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Polisot | 212 m² | €228,524 of VAT | year of design 2016

Natalina da Costa, Frédéric Hérard, Stéphanie Matilde, Maxime Rogé | Govin | Afcm | Alu Châtillonnais | Menuiserie Champenoise | Durand | Tripogney | Crm Elec | Philippe Ruault

The town of Polisot (326 inhabitants) had an old disused railway station and decided to rehabilitate it to make it available to the Quai des Arts. This is a local association that organizes cultural events. We sought to preserve the spirit of the place by keeping its initial open and modest character as well as all the elements that seemed to us to be loaded with meaning or quality.


We had to demolish the old waiting room of the station in a state of ruin. The project recreates the same volume using a contemporary language through the use of materials (metal frame and cladding). The ground floor is open to the public (bar, toilets and performance hall), the first floor is reserved for the association (boxes, showers/toilets, dining area).


On the ground floor, the project completely decompartmentalizes the space while preserving as much of the existing space as possible in order to offer a multi-activity room as large as possible. This project was carried out with very little economic means, this constraint worked in our favor, it forced us to limit our intervention to the essential minimum.

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